Intense Songs

Songs About Perseverance

There are many topics like perseverance and resilience that get conflated. They are similar, but not the same thing. Perseverance is about keeping up an effort and trying again and again until you get it right, even if you don’t ever get it right or struggle for a long time.

In this post, I collected a number of interesting, emotional, and poetic songs about perseverance.

Hitting Air by Alex Genadinik

This song is about fighting your demons. You might be trying to hit as hard as you can, but you’re always hitting air. That’s the most frustrating part of life and of second-guessing yourself and your life choices. But despite that, you’re still in the fight, and still swinging even though you are hitting air.

Here is a page with the song’s full lyrics and a longer analysis of this song about growing up with perseverance.

Of A Different Time by Bulat Okudzhava, Translated by Alex Genadinik

This is a different kind of song about perseverance. It’s a mellow ballad from a perspective of a hopeless romantic about life. The hero of the song sings about how he longs for a time of kindness and love among people, and even if that’s an outdated belief, he is sticking to it because that’s what he believes in. I personally find this to be a profound and an inspirational message.

Here is a page with a longer analysis and full lyrics about this song.

Bittersweet Mirage by Alex Genadinik

This is a philosophical song about perseverance from a perspective we don’t usually expect. If we examine the lyrics, the chorus has these lines:

“You’ll go through great suffering if you think there is meaning in it.”

That explains so much about where we get the motivation and energy for perseverance through challenging times. If you are chasing something that you think will be meaningful to you or improve your life in some way, you’ll find the strength and perseverance for it.

It’s a song about breakups and perseverance. Here is the page with the deeper song analysis and full lyrics of this song.

Rocky Theme Song

Boxing analogies are ideal for the perseverance metaphor. It’s all about getting hit and getting up time and time again. The irony of life is that it presents so many challenges that we have no choice but getting hit again and again, and get up.

Famous Rocky Motivational Speech About Perseverance

This isn’t a song, but you can still listen to it. It’s one of the most most listened to and well-known motivational talks about getting hit, facing challenges, but still finding the strength to keep going.

Finding Motivation In Music To Keep Going

Music is true magic on earth. You can be feeling down at any moment, but the right song with the right message that resonates in you might come along, inspire you, and give you the strength to keep moving forward and persevere.

This happened to me. Earlier in my life, I was going through challenging times, and all I had was music to keep me going. Specifically, it was the poets and singer-songwriters who had deep meaning in their music.

Years later, I ended up writing a song about that time in my life. It’s a tribute to the poets and musicians who inspire us.

If you like the songs on this page, please take a look at my larger page with more songs on related topics like songs about strengths, resilience, and determination.

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