Intense Songs | Meaningful Music

Songs About Suffering

Suffering may not seem like a great topic for songs, but if you think about it, it’s a very emotional subject matter, and many emotional songs make us emotional precisely because they help up relate and feel empathy towards the hero of the song.

If you’d like to experience that for yourself, try my list of emotional songs or my collection of songs of suffering over heartache.

Love Songs About Suffering

Suffering in love, while desiring love, or due to losing love – these are all great topics for emotionally charged songs that make us feel sad, melancholy, and sometimes even want to cry because we are overwhelmed with nostalgia and sorrow.

Here is a list of songs about a crush.

Here is my collection of many of the greatest sad love songs. Here is my collection of sad breakup songs. Below are my favorite sad love song of all time.

If you’ve read my blog, every page seems to feature a Leonard Cohen song. To me, his music is so heartfelt, beautifully poetic, and emotionally honest – even if the emotions aren’t pretty.

Here is another one of Leonard Cohen’s sad breakup songs that depicts the suffering of a dead relationship in which love has disappeared. People think Hallelujah is some kind of a holy song, and it partially is. But there is a parallel story of the bitterness of a lost love.


Songs About Suffering From Unachieved Dreams

Dreams give us hope and add meaning to our lives. But when we fail at them or lose sight of them, that hope can come crashing down. That’s what I wrote in my original song called Bittersweet Mirage which depicts how mirage-like life’s dreams and hopes can be. It’s a song about breakups and misguided hopes.

Songs About Suffering Because Of War

From all human activities, war causes the most suffering, heartbreak, any misery. It’s sometime depicted as glorious, but that mirages usually comes crashing quickly after realizing how much death and destruction it brings.

Here is a list of some of the greatest songs about war and anti-war songs of all time.

Just Sad Songs

Some ballads just make you feel sad. An example of that for me is Mr. Bojangles because of the story about a downtrodden man who got old and died just like his dog, but despite his miserable and impoverished existence, he spent his life dancing. Through that, it’s a very inspirational song. The best performance of Mr. Bojangles in my opinion is my Sammy Davis Jr.

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